January 13, 2010

Hope for Haiti

I have a dear friend and sister in the Lord that has been a faithful missionary to orphans in Haiti for many years now.  Last night Clint and I saw the first few glimpses of the news and my heart sank.  "The worst earthquake in 200 years" was all I heard and began to cry.  Port au Prince is the city that the workers of the orphanage go into frequently.  I expected the worst, and we prayed. 

News came this morning that the orphanage was spared, and its inhabitants were shaken up, but safe.  My heart was torn with much joy for their lives and home, and great grief as the estimate of lives lost hit 100,000. 

Please continue to pray as the relief efforts push forward.  Many are still missing and communication is very difficult within the country. 

Please pray for those who are searching for loved ones!  Pray that the Lord would send relief from outside sources to restore Haiti to health, and ultimately to Himself.

Pray for wisdom and grace as the workers at Hope for Haiti reach out into the devastation as many children have lost parents as a result of the earthquake. 

If you feel led to give please see this website.  http://www.danitaschildren.org/ 

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